
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day 4 - a habit I wish I didn't have

It’s not so much a habit as a personality trait I suppose, but I’m very unspontaneous. Time with South Americans in college and travelling has helped a bit, but at heart I’m still about as flexible as clockwork.
I like to know what the plan is and if there is no plan I feel the need to make one, pronto. For me, half the fun of a party, going out or having dinner with friends is looking forward to it.
I keep a calendar even when I’m not in school or really need it for work, just cause I like the overview and daily planning. My best days are when I know everything we’re going to do (and it’s all fun stuff, of course). Not saying I can’t enjoy a surprise… I can. But if you really want me to enjoy the surprise, tell me about it three days early!

I have a father who will plan dinner for 6 pm and call you and let you know if it changes to 6:10. He will also call you at 6:12 and ask why you are late.
I have a mother who is so afraid to be late that she’ll take you to the airport an hour before the hour they tell you to be there early. So it’s not like I don’t know where I get if from.

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