
Wednesday, October 31, 2012


I messed up big time on that one. Big, Big time. The adult thing to do right now is a big, fat public apology.
My ass handed over on a silver plate.
So that's what I'll do. Real soon. Just need to get my ass ready for it.

I'd so much rather dress up like a fairy princess and run around campus asking for candy.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Winging it

Love: the feeling when you open your mouth, hope for the best and when the sound of your voice hits your ears.... it's like somebody else is saying all those smart things and you're just like "Damn, if I didn't know better, I'd say I know what I'm talking about!"

Hate: When that question you were dodging somehow still finds you and you open your mouth, hope for the best and Lady Luck is on a coffee break (or you pissed her off) and for every word that comes out of your face, you just dig yourself deeper into a whole of bullshit and nonsense.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


My new skis are ready for winter.
So am I.
Bring it!
No, really... Please, please let it be a good snow year.

On a different note, I didn't really see any costume last night that was really all that amazing. Lots of boobs and skin and skimpy stuff. Lots of Mario brothers. A few smurfs. Cowboys and soldiers and gypsies. Nothing outstanding. Still, I think they should have done a best costume contest at the Flip.
Anyways, that was Halloween.
Thanksgiving next.
Mountains will open.
Snow please.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Somebody needs a time out...it's me, it's me

Comfort eating without good comfort foods around.
Also sucks.
This salsa is like tomato juice with green flakes in it.
I need a good cry and I think I know where to get it.

close and yet so far away

Nothing like Facebook to find out your grandma died. This sucks.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Look at that. The new tiger is like a legit statue and not a kindergarten art project. 
Also, the Pocatello backdrop is stunning dressed in winter.
And, I don't know what to be for Halloween.
Finally, I'm feeling very lost calendar wise. Wednesday, it's Wednesday. But feels like Thursday and yesterday was Monday.
Is it weekend yet?

Monday, October 22, 2012

waking up is hard to do

I had a really bizarre dream last night where huge, deep fried (so yes, they should hav been dead...) spiders kept infesting my bed room.
Then the alarm went off and I was thought "I know I've heard that song before..."
I almost fell back asleep while showering.
But, hey... now this Monday is over and it really wasn't that bad.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Key question

Good night last night, lots of people out.
Good to see a lot of them.
Good laughs.
Definitely one of the better ones, as far as nights in Pocatello goes. Now I have homework calling my name, but what I really need to figure out is whether I want a touch screen or a key real keyboard….
That’s right, I’m about to join the smart phone club.

Friday, October 19, 2012


Friday morning. Alone in the office, listening to Dagens Eko while having my coffee.
The weeks fly by, they really do. I don’t necessarily mind it, and I sleep like a baby after days of non-stop bran activity.
But I sometimes miss being able to slack off and be irresponsible. Going to Goody’s a Thursday night… I could have done that, easily.
But had I, I’d be hating myself right now.
Happy weekend!

Thursday, October 18, 2012


 All of last night, and this morning too… I just wanted to cry.
It’s like trying to hold back a sneeze, all these tears are just sitting in my head, wanting out.
Maybe I’ll have to watch Beaches..?
It’s physically impossible not to cry when watching that movie. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Can I blame somone else for this..?

So I fell off the curb, right?
Foot’s been hurting since.
Went for a run last week, pain but not unbearable.
Attempted a run yesterday.
Sometimes I’m an idiot on so many levels.
Disaster, that one was.
Now I walk with a limp and hate myself for every step I take.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Yeah... yoga pants

We walked to the library this morning, got there a little early and stood outside waiting for it to open. A small crowd had formed before the doors were finally unlocked and I was observing this group of people. Most were dressed, more or less, like me and D; sweats, sneakers, hoodies… dressed like a Sunday calls for.
But this one lady, she had her skinny jeans on, heels, a nice top and a professional looking shoulder bag. Her hair was done too.

Last weekend I was at TJ Maxx and noticed there as well, that a lot of women go out to do their weekend errands in high heels and cute outfits. Or, you know, outfits that are supposed to be cute… or were at some point, or would be on a different person..
(I’m evil, I know -but I do like puppies…)

Anyways, this just sorta baffles me.
I don’t understand dressing up when you don’t have to.
And sure, sure, I try to look somewhat put together too even if there’s not an official dress code.
I don’t go to work in sweatpants and I don’t wear my pajamas to the grocery store.
But I would never wear jeans on a mellow Sunday at home, or heels to go shopping.

That would just be weird. And uncomfortable.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Did someone sneeze?

I don’t like the word bless or blessed.
Because of how people use it.
Because of the people who normally use it.

I am grateful, however, that I get to interact with, and work closely with, so many talented, inspiring, professional, passionate and warm people.
I cannot think of a single person in my close work environment that I don’t like.
I am part of a great team where ever single person brings something unique and valuable to the table.

I’m pretty lucky. That’s all.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

I would be a Taxi driver in hell

I had to drive to the Idaho Falls campus today, to give a presentation.
I. Hate. Driving. places I where I don't know my way around. It was never a matter of will I get lost, but how badly will I get lost and will I make it at all?
I made it.
I got hella lost first, mostly due to road work, but I did make it. After stopping at Wendy's to ask for directions and this super sweet girl left her spot behind the counter to walk out to the parking lot with me and actually point to all the (two) intersections I would have to maneuver.
Did I say I have no sense of directions...?
But I made it.

Monday, October 8, 2012


Tomorrow night I'll be sleeping in a hotel bed. And there will be a bathroom that's all clean and just for me and little soap and tiny shampoo.
I don't know if there will be a bath robe, might not since we went pretty budget, and that's fine.
But if there is a bath robe, I'm getting up earlier to make sure I have time to wear it.
I'm not stoked about the drive or being gone and missing work and all that... but I do love sleeping in hotels.
Got to remember to be happy about the little things.

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Pretty mellow weekend. Some time with friends, some time alone. Some time for just us. It's been good.
It's also been sunny and crisp, still is for that matter. And I love the coolness.
Started today with a bike ride along Old Bannock Highway. Orange leaves, cold breeze, frozen fingers, runny nose.
Way to wake up.
Now, a breakfast and a shower later, the TV is screaming football at me and I want to punch it.
I hate football. Did I say that before?
Good. I hate football.
Because it never ends. Because it's a violent sport that gives the players injuries for life and prevents the viewers from actually having a life.
Yardline, interception, first down, offensive line, shut up.
I need to do some homework.

Friday, October 5, 2012


What I hate about volunteers is that you have nothing on them. If they say they're going to show up or do something or whatever and then don't.... that's it. You can't do shit about it.
Deduct kharma points maybe...

Thursday, October 4, 2012

What he said:

"Yeah... gotta tell ya, I'd sure hate to be in your position"
I'm not a fan of being in it either, actually.

How I feel

I feel like this is really unfair. That is how I feel. I feel left behind with a workload I was not trained to deal with. Expectations from people and departments I don't even know who they are, what they do, how this all really works?
I feel like this is not the job I signed up for. Give me a new director, please!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

To sum up

Romney's face. And the way he says "Obama care". Makes my skin itch, my eyes bleed and my ears want to spontaneously close up.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Different feet

My foot still hurts from falling off the curb Saturday morning. Yep, I injured myself before even leaving, loading the car at Tiffany's house. It made hiking around the woods during out kayaking trip a little tricky and a little painful.

There were also some people on the trip that made everything a litte tricky and a little painful. People who should maybe not have been on a kayaking trip.

We were discussing this, me and Tiff, as we were changing after swimming. We were talking over the stalls, assuming we were alone. But we weren't. Foot in the mouth, that one.