
Friday, July 5, 2013

Red, White & Blue

He didn't find any fellow Americans. Didn't get any sunshine, or fireworks, or... you know, any of that stuff.
No parade.
But we made slushy, layerd, blue, white and red drinks, had a BBQ and did our best to pretend we actually cared about the 4th July.
A fun night, though, that ended with some deep discussions about hockey and the NHL, which... I really don't care about either.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The things I see through their eyes now...

Suddenly, seeing my dad sit in front of the computer in just his briefs.... remembering that of course there is no free refill on my coke, asking myself if I have enough change to pay for a bathroom visit... it seems... a little strange.
Almost foreign.
Almost like... Like, I don't live here anymore.