
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Out and about

Sometimes when people go out and I have to stay home for one reason or another, I feel like I’m really missing out. But most of the time I don’t feel that way. Pocatello is pretty repetitive.
Last night it seems like even some of the people that were out missed out, though… so at least I wasn’t the only one.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

still under water, frozen water

These are all the tings not making me happy right now:

Research papers
Take Home Finals

Did I mention research papers? Ok, yeah. I think that’s it.
Talk to you later.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

counting sheep, couning eggs

They had an egg hunt outside my window this morning. 28 eggs hidden. Don’t know how many kids were looking. Don’t know how many they found. But I slept through it. Slept almost 12 hours last night.
Felt real good.

Then I got up, wrote another page on my paper and made a big batch of egg salad. Between that and the huge plate of Easter candy we got from Beth I feel like we got a little bit of Easter feel after all.

Jesus is back from the cave and is enjoying an Easter nap right now.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

they say it's Easter

I read an article the other day about these people in the Philippines who voluntarily got crucified to share the pain of Jesus.
Jesus, that has to hurt.
D is spending Easter weekend in a cave, also just like Jesus, I didn’t realize he was that religious...
But he will resurrect in just one day. And not take any nails through the palms of his hands either.
Not very hardcore.

As for me, I have three pages written on my research paper. Single spaced, that is. I always write my papers single spaced and when I’ve reached half the requirement for how long it has to be I just double space it and Bam! - I’m done.
Doesn’t matter if you fool anyone else as long as you can fool yourself.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

A breath of Tequila..?

Holding your breath under water is hard. And if you don’t know when you’re going to be able to breath again, it’s pointless. Then you might as well just drown.
I feel like I’m under water right now with school and work. it’s just a lot, and when you haven’t been a student for a while, it’s hard (or harder) to not get all worked up about finals and research papers and all that.

Anyways, I was looking through the calendar yesterday for good times to come up to the surface and I’m thinking Cinco de Mayo looks pretty good for some deep breaths.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

we just have to get through the summer first..

Back in Pokey, always good to know we didn’t miss out on much. At least not according to Chris’s rapport. Fights, almost fights, bar trips and… well, the usual stuff. Mark and Lindy’s new puppy is a cutie though, he just better not be a howler.

Can’t think of a better way to finish off the ski season than with a great day in Sun Valley, yesterday was real good. Now the season is officially over and that’s a little sad. But I have a lead on a new pair of skis for next season and then I’ll also have my board here, so I can do both. Should be great, I’m ready for next winter!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

what up party peeps...

The large life in Sun Valley presented me with tons of coffee this morning. No breakfast, though. Because there’s hunger and then there’s $15.99 for breakfast and then hunger doesn’t seem like a very big deal. I had lunch in the room and now we just got out of the hot tub and are heading into town to hit the grocery store deli.

There’s the big life…. And then there’s the small people living it wisely.

We’ll ski and we’ll wine and we’ll dine. But all in good time. For now it’s sandwiches, home work and wide screen TV. Last night we watched a documentary on sharks.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

lazy day

Trying to get some school work done. It’s not going so great. Lazy day with TV, pizza and laundry. Thinking about the summer, thinking about the fall. Thinking about when we will move out of here. Here as in the duplex and here as in Pocatello.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Bad news, sad news

This totally stinks. I should be happy for her but I’m not.
Sorry, my feelings are centered from me.
I’m losing a friend = I’m sad.
That’s just how it is. This put a big grey rain cloud over my sun.


Wow, I’m selfish and immature.

Friday, April 8, 2011

not 19 anymore

I think I just officially reached the age where being hung over is a project in itself. I remember being like 19 and hearing ooooold (like 25+) people talk about how they stayed in with a massive head ache, nausea and all that good stuff they day after. Every time. Like they made a plan to be hung over and made room in the calendar for it cause they knew it was going to happen.
I thought it was so lame.
And I thought they were so old.
Here I am.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

tired cat lady

It doesn’t matter how much I know I should be doing some school work right now. My brain has officially shut off for the night so it’s not going to happen. I’ll look (look, not read) at the pages I should have read for Tuesday and the pages I’m supposed to read for tomorrow and pretend like that’s something so I didn’t do nothing.

But that’s it.

I was never one to study at night. Even during my first years of college when I didn’t have a job or a relationship distracting me from studying, I never got much done after 8pm. When others made a pot of coffee and opened the books, I shut them and had a cup of tea. I always hated working night shifts and I get really stressed out and bothered if I have to do anything work or school related late at night.

I think I’m ready for retirement.

On a different (but equally non-important) note; Daisy threw up in the laundry room today so I got to wipe cat barf off the floor while doing laundry. She was less than a foot from the lawn, but I see her point, had she done it there I would have not even cared. At least it wasn’t the carpet.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Grey and Blue

I'm feeling the end of the semester pressure. I'm feeling the sadness of spending an entire summer without Dylan. I'm feeling the urgent need to move to a new place.

Tuesday afternoons are always so long. Every week.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Riding my bike down memory lane

I am a wonder of non-productivity. I got my bike out of the laundry room. Read the rest of the papers for work. Barely. And it’s 6 pm. What is this, Vegas? I need to get something done this weekend.

Getting the bike out after winter used to be the surest sign of spring. When we were kids we were always allowed to get our bikes out after Easter break. Every year. It didn’t matter if Easter fell early or late or how much snow was left on the ground. Some years the streets had been clear for weeks and others we’d slide around in snow and slush. I remember leaving a birthday party one year and so much snow had fallen during the party that I had to walk my bike home through piles and piles of snow.

The After Easter Rule made absolutely no sense but we never questioned it.

The power of parents.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Sleepy Fool

I am so feeling the Friday. It’s sunny outside and I’m just not motivated. At all. Mentally I already poured myself a glass of wine is finally getting to catch up with Jessica on spring break, relationships, friends, work and everything in between.

Sweet, sweet weekend…

I played a little April fool’s joke on Dylan this morning. Nothing big, since he was asleep I didn’t think he’d even react if I yelled “fire!” so I told him I had promised our neighbor lady we’d adopt Fat Black for $50.

That woke him up, and got him grumpy.