
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Day 23 -something you crave for a lot

I think that would have to be coffee. I crave a lot of other things as well, but there are very few mornings I don't want (and by want I mean desperatly need) my cup of java. I don't drink coffee any other time of day, just in the morning. Or with breakfast I should say, some weekends and days off I may not have my first meal before noon, but it's breakfast all the same, and coffee is the best part of it.

This morning we started driving from our Boise hotel at 10 am and it was with one luke warm and bitter (although free) cup of coffee I started that ride. But we made it to north Idaho safe and sound and I got the caffeine I needed.

Other cravings include candy, dark chocolate, salty pretzels and cheese... just to drop a few.

Now Christmas is just around the corner and I have a feeling I won't have to crave much of anything for near future.

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