
Friday, September 28, 2012

Love in a bag

I just delivered a love gift to the economics guy.
Not from me obviously, but from a lady (and I should sooo know her name but I don’t) who was going to hang it on his office door but was afraid/embarrassed to cause people would see her.
So she asked me to do it. And I did.
After I sort of peeked in the bag… only to find out her name.
Of course.
But it wasn’t in there.
Anyways. There’s loooove on my floor.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Bad ass

The FedEx lady was a bitch. And I was not in the mood.
If my life was an action movie, I would have jumped over the desk and punched in the face/choked her/knocked her out.
If my life was a reality show I would have screamed profanities at her, reached over and grabbed a fistful of her hair and made an awesome scene.
But since my life is neither, I said nothing.
Literally, instead of being like "oh, I see... that makes sense, I'll be right back with that information you requested"
I. Said. Nothing.
Just walked out. And returned 5 minutes later with the requested information.
I think I showed her.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Long day. Over. I'm gonna quit this day now. The hug I so wanted all this long day I had to steal while the noodles were cooking. And then I had to hold on to it so it wouldn't just quit.
Here's a little truth; most people aren't mind readers. My better half is defenitly not a mind reader. Ergo: you have to spell it out for him to get what you want. Or a shot at what you want at least. Good Night.
Jinxed it. Day got worse. But also, Hello perspective. I can't complain.

The lady curse

It's not even 8:30 yet and I just don't know about this day. I don't think coffee alone will do it. (I'm obviously still going to down a bucket..) or Advil. Had some of that. So we'll see.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Note to self

Internet problems at home. I want a new laptop. This time the main issue was the cable and it's all better now, but still.
Management problems at work. I want a new boss. Right now the main issue is that I don't actually have one, but still.

And the corn is not as sweet, the cranberries' fancy shape is from a tin can and the yellow flowers make it hard to breathe.
Still there's beauty. I need to remember to sit still. And breathe still. And rest still. And remember that. Still.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Random bugs

This is what bugs me:
People who expect more from others than they would ever imagine doing themselves.

And they don’t even realize it. It’s like “well, I could never do it, but you, you should. Totally!”

Also, football. Football bugs me. The only good thing about football is that sometimes, games actually end. But most of the time they go on forever. And people watch.

Political morning

Dylan got yelled at twice during our walk this morning. One guy rolled his window down and went
"hey man, I want some of that shit you're smoking!"

and another called him a hippie and flipped him off.

His hair is pretty wild I guess. And his outfit was pretty much straight outta Pineapple Express..... I suppose.
But still.
Calm down Pocatello.
We were just out for a Sunday morning walk.
Not trying to make a political statement.

Saturday, September 22, 2012


Me: Do you wanna vaccuum the bathroom or sweap the kitchen floor?
D: I'll put in the new light bulbs.

Me: Do you want to make cucumber salad and bring to the potluck?
D: You want pizza?

Me: you wanna go play tennis?
D: I wonder if Ben wants to play raquetball?

Thursday, September 20, 2012

A week later

New office. New responsibilities. Less time. No excuse.
Anyways, I have a semi-good feeling about it all.
I told my mother I won't be coming home for Christmas. She's very understanding. She knows it's not like I don't want to.
Summer time though, just wait for it. I'll be there.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Watching uneducated people bash Obama while happily accepting welfare, medicare, foodstamps, etc. is like watching teenagers scream “I hate you!!” to their parents while they live in their house, drive their car and eat their food.


What is the best (fastest, most foolproof, etc) way to tell people you seriously don’t give a flying fuck without actually saying just that?
I would love to know.
Is there a Rosetta Stone for looks and body language?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Healthy lifestyle

I decided to leave the office for lunch today. I normally never to that. But eating at your desk is like really bad for you, everybody knows that. So I went home instead and ate my lunch standing by the kitchen counter. So much better. Right?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Maybe it's a cult

Is this day over yet? This day has been way too long, way too hectic AND my office stinks like Subway. Just cause I want to eat Subway for lunch doesn't mean I want to smell it for 6 hours afterwards, ok?
And why is it that it doesn't matter what you order, chicken salad or a tuna on 7-grain, it smells the exact same. Heck, it even tastes the exact same. Weird...

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Down to get dirty

I don’t like to race. That is why I rarely do it. But when Sasha asked me to be the fourth member of their team for a 5K mud run, The Dirty Dash, I said ok.
Figured it was a team thing, and a fun thing, and therefore ok that I am not anywhere near race form.

So freaking glad I did. It was possibly the most fun thing I’ve done in a long time. I would recommend it to anyone. I want to do it again.
Also, worth noting (and probably worth adding to my resume) we finished 13th overall.
Out of 100 teams.
Not bad.

Friday, September 7, 2012

times change

I remember days when you'd check your e-mail and be like "Five new ones! score! that's awesome..." and then get all bummed if two of them were spam.
Now it's more like "18 unread messages... are you shittin me? Leave me alone people!" and then you get all excited if most of them are spam that you can delete without further due.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Start of the season

The TV is saying stuff like: Eli, yard line, tough call, problems from last season, coaching, drops, adjustments, first down.... blah, blah, the games take for freakin EVER.
Hello football season. Please be short.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


We, well actually Dylan but whatever, called 911 last night.
That was a first. The phone lit up all red and stuff.
The reason, for the call not the cool features, was our neighbours going at it for over an hour outside our window.
Lots of harsh language, lots of screams, lots of potential violence.
When we finally decided somebody had to intervene, the dispatcher told Dylan a car was already on its way. So apparently somebody else in the neighbourhood had had the same idea. After he hung up it was less than a minute before it got quiet.
Now we’ll see what this night will bring.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Good things about today

Slept until I was out of sleepiness and happy to be awake.
Went for a walk and felt autumn in the air.
Treated myself to a slushy coffee.
Went thrift store shopping with Dylan and came home with a ton of finds; snow boots, a swimsuit for the pool, two pair of pants, a workout tank and eco-friendly sandals.
A thunderstorm and rain like angry roars.
Lobster tail, swordfish filets, artisan bread and salad for dinner.
Oreo cake for dessert.
A movie.