
Friday, November 19, 2010

Culture, creepos and weirdos

Last night, after scoring some major culture points for watching Cabaret at the Performing Art Center, we took it down a few notches and went to 1st National Bar for a drink. Since Bobby knows pretty much every single person in Pocatello we weren’t surprised that he knew the couple sitting at a huge table by themselves and readily joined them when he invited us to. But right as everyone (there were like six of us) were sitting down, the couple got up and the girl mumbled something about being right back. Then she came back like ten minutes later with a bunch of CDs, a scarf and some other knickknack and explained that we had walked in on her dumping him and she had just collected all her stuff from his car.

That was awkward.

A few minutes later we were joined by a marine guy who slammed some beers and then praised alcohol since it allowed him to talk about the stuff giving him nightmares.

That was also awkward.

And finally we went to Charly’s where we ran into a guy who is a regular bar fly at work. He is all muscles and not much more. He wanted me to feel his flexed thigh muscles (quads, is it?).

That was not awkward, just plain weird.

Pocatello is home to a lot of weirdness. But I don’t know if we just happen to stumble upon it a lot or if we somehow attract it.

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