
Monday, September 5, 2011

From calmness to possible storm

I hiked up to the ISU pillars today. That was the first time I’ve been up there, even though we’ve lived for over a year now. It was not a magic moment or anything, but nice trails up there and a good way to start the day.

Followed up with some homework, still haven’t gotten as much done as I was hoping for this weekend, but considering all of Saturday was lost since my computer charger broke and then the internet was down all over campus…I’m not beating myself up over it. Small punches maybe, but no serious beat down.

Dylan just called from Phoenix. When we talked this morning he said he’d land at 6 and be home at 8. Technically he did land at 6, right on time, but in Phoenix and not Salt Lake, so there will be no being home at 8. He also asked me if I had cashed the deposit check from our old landlord. I said no, because I don’t have that check….you took it. And I know he did, because I remember asking myself at the time which was a less bad idea; for me to take the check to the gym or for him to loose it while going bowling. I guess I should have taken it…. hopefully we’ll find it when he gets home. If we don’t, and he tries to blame it on me, there will be a fight.

That would not be the best way to end the day.

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