
Thursday, June 24, 2010

people at work

It’s been a dramatic week at work. When I first started working at the restaurant, I was told that money had been missing from the tills and that one of the girls was kind of suspected for stealing. I never asked who, and even though I know now that it kept happening even after I started, I never really heard anything about it because I never do the tills and I never work the real early shift which is when they would realize if money was missing.

But so last Thursday night it was just me and this girl, let’s call her Amanda (not like it matters but I like making up fake names), working and to make a long the story short 300 dollars ended up missing and when confronted she tried to blame part of it on me. Not saying that I had stolen it but that she had asked me to do a transaction she never asked me to do at all.
At first I felt bad, thinking I had misunderstood her or something, but now I’m starting to understand what a talented liar she is and how she has been manipulating people for a long time, talking shit about the other girls behind their backs, even accusing them of snorting coke(!) the night before work to make them look bad and stuff.

Anyways, yesterday she was fired and so now all that is over. There is always drama at work places, but there’s one thing gossiping about who’s lazy and who never cleans up after their lunch and another thing actually stealing and spreading lies about other people.

I’ve never stolen from work (energy drinks and pens don’t count) however, I am not above gossiping in any way….
The new girl, let’s call her Kimberly… has the worst work ethics out of anyone I’ve ever worked with. I even just took a moment to think if that’s actually true or an exaggeration, but no, it’s true.

She was hired about two weeks ago because she’s one of the other girl’s (who have worked there for ever) best friends and is just home for the summer and needed a job. Kimberly has just graduated from college. This makes her so important and over qualified for a simple waitress gig that it’s a privilege for the restaurant to just have her there… or so she seems to think, and acts like it. She does nothing, and I mean nothing, if you don’t specifically tell her to, unless it’s actually taking a table so she can score tips. But clean up, refilling coffee, stocking supplies, all that stuff… WAY below her level.
She has her one foot in a cast because of a stress fracture or something and half the time I work with her I just want to kick her healthy leg so she can’t walk at all. Wouldn’t make much of a difference, she sits down most of the time anyways…

Like I said, not above gossip in any way. But hey, at least I don’t steal.

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