
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Healthy Hair - week 2

Being on a Healty Hair Plan is kind of like having your hair on a diet where spray, mousse, wax and all that good stuff is candy, fast food and chocolate. I'm doing pretty good though, I think. Next week I'm going to go back to the brutally honest hair dresser lady and let her tell me how I'm actually doing.

Someone who has really soft and healthy hair is Daisy. That's our new kitten. Dylan went and picked her up Monday while I was at work. She pooped on the carpet the fist night and definitly has a thing for biting toes, but other than that, she's really adorable and has a sweet personality.

On the job front, things are not looking much different. It worked out kind of nice that I had so much time off this week (well, we both do) since that way Daisy doesn't have to be alone so much in the beginning. I still don't know my schedule for next week, but if it's as shitty as this week, I will look, harder, for a new job.

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