Birth control or not, America?
Well. Let’s have a bunch of old dudes decide, cause they’d know…
Lately I’ve also been so appalled by all the freakin Right to bear arms- postings of facebook. People kill people, but more often than not, they do it using guns.
Less guns, less dead people.
If you actually use your gun to hunt animals, and you eat those animals, feed your family and have a passion and respect for nature and wildlife… then by all means, I respect that and can understand why you have that weapon.
But if all you do with your handgun is carry it around so you can wave it people’s faces if they piss you off or have bigger muscles than you….
Then no, you’re an immature looser and a gun is the last thing you need, or should be allowed to have.
And your mom should probably have considered Plan B.
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