
Sunday, May 23, 2010

life in the attic

The one thing I like about our kitchen/sink area is the mirror cabinet hanging over it. It has three parts to it so if you open the two side ones you can see yourself from the front and back and both sides. It’s great for doing your hair and seeing how you back looks. However, this new ability to observe new angels of myself has made me realize two things.

1. The two sides of my face look very different. I’m about as symmetric as the coffee stain on the carpet right below the sink.

2. I’m extremely challenged when it comes to figuring out how left and right get turned around in the mirror. If I see that I have something stuck in the back of my hair in the mirror I will always reach for it with the wrong hand. Same if I’m in a dressing room where you can see yourself slightly from the side, I always turn the wrong way trying to get a good angle.

Other than that, this living arrangement kind of sucks. Our nook is cosy and all, and I love the location. But I hate that we have no counter space and carpet everywhere so if you spill something, which I do a lot, it stains right away. Coffee and balsamic vinaigrette don’t really want to come out either. The low ceiling doesn’t bother me as much as it does Dylan. I hit my head too, but not nearly as much as he does or as I did on the sail boat, back then I was seriously afraid I was going to retard myself.

I can’t wait to have a real kitchen in Pocatello so I don’t have brush my teeth over old dishes. That and a bedroom where you can stand upright and not have to perform an advanced balance act just to put your pants on.

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