
Thursday, November 15, 2012


I keep googeling hair styles, trying to figure out what to ask for at my hair dressers appointment tomorrow. I don't know why, I'll get what I always get.... a shorter haircut, nothing too different or radical, and long enough to still be pulled into a pony tail.
For the first time ever, however, I am going back to the same hair stylist who cut my hair back in August.
That's exciting. I also happen to love this person, she is ultra cool. I'm hoping some of her aura will somehow be absorbed as she trims my tresses.
Anyways, you know how people always say "my hair dresser" like you say "my doctor" and "my dentist".... well, I never had one before, mostly cause I've moved a lot, and been poor a lot (so my mom or a friend has done the hair cutting) but now, I won't have to explain to her when or where or why I last got my hair cut. Cause she knows. She was there.
I got a picture of Sophia Bush printed off.
The odds of me looking like Sophia Bush tomorrow evening?
Let's not get into that.

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