
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

my very first political meeting and my bizillionth going away party

I can’t remember last time I went to a going away party that wasn’t for me. Oh wait, actually I can. Like every weekend and a few times in between for the last month.

Jake is going to Uruguay, like for real I think he actually is going to Uruguay, but he hasn’t yet. He has just been going for ever, since we met him actually… because that’s how we ended up talking to him and Bobby, about South America.

So last weekend was his official going away party since he had actually purchased his ticket. It was rough, a lot of fun, but rough. And now tomorrow night is another one. I’m excited, it’s at Charley’s and their Karaoke nights are supposed to be really good. But seriously, if he doesn’t leave after this one, I think we might have to switch and start calling them Welcome Home parties. Mixing it up.

Tonight we went to a meeting with the College of Democrats. I know right? Like what the hell am I doing there? I can’t vote and I don’t know jack shit about the political system here. But as they said themselves, they’re democrats in Idaho; they can’t afford to be picky.... Sad but true. And at least I know enough to know I’d be a democrat if I were in fact American.

And they were all really nice and it wasn’t like a political meeting at all, more like cool, liberal people who want to do a little more than just talk about how much society sucks. And I am definitely up for volunteering at food banks and shelters and stuff where they need my work force more than my political knowledge.

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