
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Fairs and Foods

The first time I ever went to a fair was the Minnesota State Fair in Minneapolis. I was a high school exchange student and had been in the US for less than a week. It was quite the experience, let me tell you.

The farm animals didn’t impress me all that much; I have farmers in my family, although the fact that people got trophies for showing them off, that was something different. But the beauty pageant where they carved the winners face out in a butter statue, the lumber jack show with guys running up huge poles like they were spider man dressed out in flannel and the fried cheese on a stick, that all blew me away.

I’ve been to a few fairs and rodeos since, but there is nothing like that first one. Tomorrow we are hitting the South Idaho State Fair in Blackfoot and hopefully that will be fun and the weather will cooperate, it was raining today.

Right now I’m kind of feeling a little iffy. I had cafeteria dinner with Linnea (the Swedish exchange student) and I feel like my stomach is all out of practise for that all you can eat but probably shouldn’t style buffets. I used to eat Bob’s food all the time in Moscow and it didn’t face me one bit. But right now that tuna bagel clearly doesn’t want to mix with the sesame garlic stir fry. Ugh.
Oh well, some good healthy fair food tomorrow will probably make the system happier…

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