
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Jaques is cooking up a storm but I just like listening to him

I have no patience with people who take themselves too seriously. Seriously. If you can’t make fun of yourself, you’re not a fun person. Some people just try too hard to come across as this super cool, laid back, awesome guy or girl but as soon as somebody tells a joke on their behalf or they appear in a funny but not so flattering story, they get all defensive and butt hurt and prove that they are anything but laid back and cool. We hung out with a guy like that recently.

Right now I’m watching a cooking show with this French dude. I have no idea what he’s making or what he’s saying really, but I love his accent. French and Spanish people get a kick ass accent when they speak English. Germans tend to sound angry no matter what, Finish people sound constipated, Norwegians sound like they are forced to speak when they really rather be singing, Swedish people sound like they have stick up their ass or are reading from a script, Russians sounds like the words got stuck in the back of their throat and the only way to get them out is by adding a lot of rolling R’s and gurgling noises.

In my opinion.

Oh, I guess he made some kind of rooster dish. Looks French. Now he’s working on a raspberry cake that looks delish.

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