
Thursday, March 21, 2013


He's a freaking askhole, my bed mate. So he goes: What do you want done with your remains after  you die?
Again, it's 3am and I was having a great time sleeping peacefully just 10 minutes ago.
I tell him. I definitely want to be cremated and I definitely want all my ashes kept or buried or spread, in one spot. You know how some people are like "one third in my hometown, and then a little bit in the ocean and some spread from the water tower and then a sprinkle right there on the ski hill" or whatever...
Not me. Whatever you do, don't split me up.
I tell him. At 3am.
"Why? I want to be spread a bunch of different places.... don't you want me to blah, blah, blah...?"
"Really?! Cause I think that blah, blah, etc etc. yada yada...."
If you want to know what I want done with my remains, I will tell you. In fact, I just did. If you want to ignore all that and do whatever the hell you chose better, then go for it. I'll be dead. Can't really do much about it at that point. But don't ask me what I want (especially at 3am, what the hell is wrong with you anyway...?) just to start an argument where you try to convince me I actually should want something else.

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