Saw a status on facebook this morning that happily announced that you can now purchase vegan, gluten-free cookie dough at Costco. Then it went on to announce that this is what's cooking for breakfast.
Well, my beef with the gluten-free fad aside... I mean, the youghurt Dylan just brought home says it's Gluten Free!!! in big bold letters on the bottle.
What's next?
Gluten-Free water?
Why do people not realize that some (quite a few actually) foods just don't contain gluten. Potatoes, rice, dairy, corn....and that gluten, in and of itself is not bad for a majority of people.
Anyways, all that's besides the point since cookes normally contain flour, and hence, gluten.
I guess the real reaction I can't shake is this:
If you had cookies for a treat instead of for breakfast, maybe you could actually let yourself have the real kind, with eggs and butter and the devil, I mean gluten.
Now, maybe this person is actually a gluten-intolerant vegan.
In which case I would just be the personal choice-intolerant asshole.
Could very well be.
Either way, I cannot get behind this facebook trend of posting pictures and descriptions of everything you eat. And I obviously can't ignore it either.
Ok, I'm over it now. Promise.
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