
Saturday, October 9, 2010

Enter Jean-Pierre

Someone recently asked me about blogs; what they are, why you have them and so forth.
I told him I had two and he asked if anyone read them. I said I knew people (family and friends at home) read my Swedish blog but that I honestly had no idea if anyone ever read this one...

So then what's the point of having a blog that nobody reads? (one might wonder, and he did)
Well, I suppose I just like the thought of people being able to read it. I can't write whatever because there is that slight chance that whatever will find its way back to whoever it was about.
I can be honest or I can invent things and events, but if I go completly nuts with it, again, there is that chance someone will call me on ny BS.

So, I'll keep doing it. For me and my imaginary reader Jean-Pierre. JP is a French student who lives in Paris even though he hates it there, because it is good for his image.
More on him later, now I am going to be social and nice to our guests Nate and Chris even though I am still a little mad at them for waking us up at 3 am last night.

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