
Friday, September 20, 2013

Truly helping or just scoring karma points?

Last night I drove out to WalMart (to purchase a phone card I cannot possibly get anywhere else, I try not to shop there, ok? don’t judge. anyways ) and as I parked the car there was a guy, in the 40+ age range, sitting on the street corner, holding a sign.
I walked in a little bit of a loop to be able to read the sign, which said Hungry.
And then I went into the store.
I bought him a roast beef and cheddar sandwich. It took me forever to decide, not whether or not to buy anything, but what to buy.
Should I get a hot meal? Something from the deli? Does he like chicken? Fruit?
Once I had finally decided on a sandwich, roast beef seemed heartier than tuna… and then they were out of mayo, so I put back the mustard packages I had grabbed since I didn’t want it to seem like I didn’t think he should have mayo and I figured it would be awkward to stand out there, screaming over traffic, that I’m sorry but unfortunately they were out of mayo!

Anyways, grocery bags and sandwich in hand, I walked across the parking lot and over to him. He stood up as I got closer, hesitantly lowering the sign. I said “I got you a sandwich… I don’t know what you like, I hope it’s ok?” and cursed myself for not having asked before I went into the store. How hard would that have been?
Hey, I’m gonna grab you some food, what kinda stuff do you like?

His name was Sean. He said thank you so much for the sandwich and wished me a good night.
As I drove home, at first I felt pretty good about myself. I texted Dylan “I just bought some food for a homeless dude” Then I realized, how do I know he’s homeless? And who am I to just assume he’ll be thrilled with roast beef? Because he’s sitting on a sidewalk, he can’t be choosy? Should just appreciate anything?
I don’t know.
I don’t know.
His name was Sean and next time I see a Sean I’m going to ask what kind of food he likes.

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